Our Blueprint for Indigenous Education
In the Catholic Diocese of Wagga, following the Firestick document, we are focused on these priorities for achieving equity in education for Indigenous students:
• improving Indigenous literacy;
• improving Indigenous numeracy;
• increasing the employment of Indigenous Australians in education and training;
• improving educational outcomes for Indigenous students;
• increasing Indigenous enrolments;
• increasing the involvement of Indigenous parents/community members in educational decision making;
• increasing Professional Development for staff involved in Indigenous education;
• expanding culturally inclusive curricula.
Louise Longford-St Joseph's Aboriginal Education Officer
In light of this, Catholic school communities continue to strive to:
• present a respectful, comprehensive and accurate account of Australian history;
• appreciate and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, perspectives and spiritualities;
• raise consciousness of the significant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
• develop partnerships with local Aboriginal communities to bring about improvement in educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
• implement the inclusion of Aboriginal Studies and perspectives across the curriculum;
• facilitate the involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents in decisionmaking at the school and system level;
• commit ourselves to work for reconciliation between all Australians.
Our Blueprint for Indigenous Education
In the Catholic Diocese of Wagga, following the Firestick document, we are focused on these priorities for achieving equity in education for Indigenous students:
• improving Indigenous literacy;
• improving Indigenous numeracy;
• increasing the employment of Indigenous Australians in education and training;
• improving educational outcomes for Indigenous students;
• increasing Indigenous enrolments;
• increasing the involvement of Indigenous parents/community members in educational decision making;
• increasing Professional Development for staff involved in Indigenous education;
• expanding culturally inclusive curricula.
Louise Longford-St Joseph's Aboriginal Education Officer
In light of this, Catholic school communities continue to strive to:
• present a respectful, comprehensive and accurate account of Australian history;
• appreciate and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, perspectives and spiritualities;
• raise consciousness of the significant issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;
• develop partnerships with local Aboriginal communities to bring about improvement in educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students;
• implement the inclusion of Aboriginal Studies and perspectives across the curriculum;
• facilitate the involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents in decisionmaking at the school and system level;
• commit ourselves to work for reconciliation between all Australians.